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On the fence? Here’s what my past students have said after taking my maqamat courses:

"Perfectly catered to my busy schedule"

"For student like me, this course perfectly catered to my busy schedule, and absolutely met my expectations. Since it was only a short course, the course materials that was taught wasn't overwhelming, but was ample and well spaced out. I was new to this subject and had no background in maqamat - this was perfect to get a feel of how things go in learning maqamat. One thing I found interesting was how each maqam has a specific tune, and Maqam Hijaz has its own specific tune, so now I was able to recognize certain Qaris who used this maqamat."

(Saba Shaikh, USA)

"I liked the way you broke down the pattern of the maqam in a simple way that I could practice"

"I've tried listening to different maqamat and have only been able to get a feel of the emotions that are associated with it, but could never distinguish between them at all. I liked the way you broke down the pattern of the maqam in a simple way that I could practice. I liked the idea of focusing on one and feeling comfortable with it before moving on. I feel like I now understand maqam hijaz on a very basic level which is a huge success in my opinion. Every class, more and more things started to make sense to me and I kind of just added on what I knew every week. Overall, I loved it and I don't know of any other classes like it so I'm extremely grateful."

(Janna Soliman, USA)

"Definitely exceeded expectations"

"Thank you for providing this course - it was very useful, informative and definitely exceeded expectations. I do believe the most significant thing is the course structure, especially with regards to timing. With this course there is a set webinar, at a specific time, for 4 weeks (very reasonable), with some practice lessons to do during the week, so from my perspective (and I am sure many others) this was very effective. Of course, the content was great and everything you mentioned during the webinars was an "aha" moment, especially as the course goes on and when you connect the dots. Finally, I would just like to say I am very happy that I stumbled across your site and joined both courses (and hopefully more to come!). May Allah reward and bless you and your family."

(Anonymous, USA)

"Maybe one day my kids will be your students too!"

"Maqamat has always been a mystery to me, but through this course I got an insight into the maqamat. A lot of things have been made clear - I learned basics and it’s helpful in building up on it. I have already started looking into other maqamat and understood those. Alhamdulillah by the third class and with some practice it was very rewarding and those were "yes i know now", "i got it" moments. Please keep doing the good work, so far you are the only teacher I came across who is doing this work in english language. so, JazakAllah khairan katheeran for making this knowledge available to us. and   inshaAllah maybe one day my kids will be your students too!"

(Hanan Mohammed, USA)

After the Nahawand mini-course, his voice no longer jumps around wildly:

"I was also very pleasantly surprised by how much I was able to learn nevertheless based on your course’s structure. I am now able to incorporate maqam nahawand (and vary it) in my own recitation. I improved in being able to control the tone of my voice when reciting; it no longer jumps around wildly or seemingly without a pattern like it used to."

(M. Ali, USA)